Copper is essential for the well-being of your body in optimum doses, but can just as effortlessly harm your system and bring about hair loss if you either possess not enough or have a surplus of copper deficiency.
The Link Between Hair Loss & Copper Deficiency
What happens to your body when it doesn’t get sufficient copper? You’ll be at an increased risk for hair loss as copper deficiency starves your scalp of vital nutrients to remain sustainable.
As copper is integral for the creation of red blood cells, insufficient copper levels could signal that your blood isn’t getting the right circulation it requires. Poor circulation is generally caused by a lack of obtaining the right vitamins and nutrients from your diet; that are key components for hair follicles.
It probably won’t cause your hair to drop out in clumps, but copper deficiency usually slows down hair growth. As our body doesn’t produce copper on its own, you’ll need to ensure that your diet is rich in copper. Foods such as beans, seafood and whole grains have them in spades.
Signs and Side Effects of Copper Excess
There’s a high number of European and American women that remain inflicted with additional copper intake with no awareness of it.
A surplus of copper in your body can be obtained from a plethora of origins. What happens when the ratio of copper to zinc is out of sync? You may be inflicted with a variety of side effects that include hair loss. To get on the right path, it’s imperative to monitor your copper intake. You may consume zinc supplements to help restore your luscious hair.
A common occurrence and side effect of extra copper include “brain fog” (difficulty in focusing), fatigue, weight gain and food cravings. Tension or frontal headaches are also another typical side effect of copper toxicity as well as negative emotions that bring about bouts of depression.
For most women, the biggest concern from excess copper is the much dreaded hair loss. As it stands, the right dosage of copper for your body’s tissue is in between the range of 1.7 – 3.5 milligrams. Should your copper levels be over this amount, your hair will not only appear lifeless and dull but also could fall out in clumps.
But as always, every person will have varying tolerance levels. Chances are your frequency of hair loss will vary from another person who shares comparable coppers levels to you.
How do you pinpoint the copper amount that’s in your body? You may do so by obtaining a hair test analysis (TMA) to identify your copper percentage. Having said that, you should also pay due diligence to other criteria and symptoms that may cause a disparity without the need for a test.
How To Monitor Your Copper Consumption
Should your city or neighbourhood have contaminated flowing from the faucets in which you normally drink from, this also can be an underlying source for copper toxicity.
Often times, keeping your copper intake in check can be as easy as changing the faulty pipes in your house. Should you notice a green-blue discharge or accumulated debris around your pipes, it’s imperative that you call a plumber to check on it.
It’s highly unlikely to be obtaining too much copper from your diet, but it’s possible in some instances.
Should you possess high copper levels, it’s best to avoid these foods that contain high copper amounts:
● Brazil nuts
● Trout
● Liver
● Mushrooms
● Peanut Butter
● Chocolate
● Seeds, such as flax and sunflower seeds (in high amounts)
● Avocado
You could be at an increased risk for high copper levels if you have an IUD or are currently taking birth control pills. These medications are usually derived from, or typically contain, the metal.
If you have your own pool in which you frequently swim in, you might want to consider getting a copper test. This is because swimming pools are usually treated with the aid of a copper heavy algicide.
Zinc Supplements To Encourage Hair Growth
Experiencing the side effects of excess copper? It’s best to consume zinc supplements as they can help keep your body’s nutrients in check and protect your hair in the process.
Copper and zinc should be in proportion to each other at a ratio of 8:1. If you have a high copper reading, chances are you’re estrogen-dependent, a condition that indirectly causes hair loss. It goes without saying that women with sufficient amount of zinc will usually be progesterone-dominant, causing hair to be shinier and healthier.
Having the right percentage of zinc in your body allows you to keep hormones in check. You’ll not only have improved well-being but your hair will also be strengthened with the nutrients it requires to cope with copper hair loss and in stimulating hair growth.
Zinc can help with balancing out copper toxicity problems that hinder hair growth and allow your hair to thrive as it grows. If you have been crash dieting or are a vegetarian, chances are you’ve exhausted through your supply of zinc and are afflicted with a surplus of copper levels.
Consider eating more of these foods that are high in zinc:
● Whole grains
● Cashews
● Yams
● Spinach
● Hummus / chickpeas
● Eggs
● Whole grains
Get over your hair loss and copper problems by reevaluating your lifestyle and copper intake and boosting it with zinc.
Remember that healthy hair starts from within. This makes following a lifestyle that’s balanced and optimize essential. Add a little more zinc and keep your copper intake in check – your hair will thrive in no time!