Calcium and Hair Growth
There are many nutrients that are important for hair growth, but there is one seldom mentioned – calcium.
A lack of calcium is a very common factor for hair loss but not many people pay enough attention to it. Deficiency of key nutrients, especially calcium will cause imbalance in our body which in turns affect hair health. Although it is essential to note the advantages of calcium for hair, yet knowing the consequences of a lack in calcium is equally important.
The Top 5 Facts about a lack of Calcium
1) Taking calcium helps with the absorption of iron
To have beautiful locks of hair, there needs to be a sufficient amount of iron in our body. As iron is a key nutrient that is stored in different parts of our body, in terms of hair; it can be found in hair follicles. Many women are also more inclined to be inflicted with iron deficiency during menstruation.
Not having proper amounts of ferritin (iron) levels in the body can cause hair to grow slower. Your hair could also become more weak and brittle, which makes it harder to style.
It goes without saying that increasing calcium intake coupled with a diet that’s rich in Vitamin C and D can boost iron absorption. But as each person is different, it is best to consult with your doctor to evaluate what is the most suitable dosage for your body.
2) The required calcium intake changes through time
It is important to ensure that you’re getting enough calcium over time. When there is a sufficient amount of calcium, you will gain thicker and fuller hair. Also, your hair would grow faster as a result.
There is a different required intake for each person. The average teenager needs around 1,800 mg of calcium daily, while adults need around 1,200 mg. As for grownups over the age of 50 would need a daily calcium intake of 1,200 mg, as it is at this stage where most women start noticing hair thinning.
Although food such as milk, greens and yogurt have calcium, to hit the recommended daily intake of 1,000 to 1,200 mg target remains a challenge. This is where supplements come into play. As there are many variants in the market that can help with hair growth, you may even be looking at prenatal vitamins as they are known for being rich in calcium. But as always, a little bit of research can go a long way before you make your purchase.
You may also look up on supplements that have both iron and biotin as they are key nutrients for hair growth. Incorporating these supplements into your daily life would not only help you achieve your goals, but also allow you to maintain your current diet without making any drastic changes.
3) Caffeine blocks calcium.
This may be bad news for you as you might need to keep your coffee habit in check to stop losing hair. Caffeine (including chocolate) is known to strip the body from calcium.
Consuming calcium-rich food such as veggies, salmon and almonds might not provide you with the kick that coffee gives, but it enables your body to sustain energy for the day. It is important to be conscious of the food that is high in calcium for a healthier diet. Should you really need your caffeine fix, consider adding milk into your brew. As milk is a source of calcium which can help counteract the effects of calcium-blocking in caffeine.
4) Silica – balance calcium levels and improves hair texture and growth
Many men and women are taking silica for thicker, healthier hair. As silica helps balance magnesium and calcium levels in our bodies, this helps keeps hormones in check. The regulation of hormones can help improve hair growth and health.
Other than that, silica alkalizes the system in our bodies that helps with fighting off diseases effectively. The best way to balance out silica deficiencies is to get it through supplements as there’s a multitude of them that contain silica.
Fun fact: Silica can be found in vegetables, so eat your veggies for healthier hair growth.
5) Side effects of calcium deficiency
Low levels of calcium makes you more likely to suffer from general diseases. Should your body be starved long enough from calcium, it will start looking at your calcium reserves, before pulling away it from your bones.
Over time, not having enough of calcium will not only make you suffer hair loss but there could also be other serious effects as well. Yet hair loss could be a valid sign that calcium is being taken from bodily reserves to maintain proper blood calcium level. Our body should have sufficient amounts of calcium in our blood as they help with facilitating muscle function and blood vessels.
Concerned that you’re not getting the right amount of calcium for your body? Time to consume more food which are rich in calcium such as fish, nuts, dairy products and dark leafy green vegetables. Also, by adding supplements into your daily routine can help maintain optimal calcium levels. Stick with this diet long enough and you will be rewarded with luscious hair and a healthier body in no time.